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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Taikang Lu, Shanghai

Taikang Lu, Shanghai

A well-dressed Brit who was one of the many expats I saw around Shanghai.

Taikang Lu is a group of backstreets filled with clothing boutiques, jewelry shops, and art galleries. I came across this clothing designer's workspace/art gallery in a building that also included a design firm, a modern children's clothing store, and a floor of ultra-modern flats:

Taikang Lu, Shanghai

The charming street signs along the alleyways:

Taikang Lu, Shanghai


Blogger clickclash said...

charming indeed.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, these are really aesthetically stunning pictures. it goes to show that there is so much of the world that most people do not see...

10:55 PM  

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